Clothing I.Q. Quiz for Men

How much do you know about professional dress? How much do you think you know? By taking this quick and simple I.Q. quiz, you can test your knowledge on professional appearance.

Answer each question with a "yes" or "no." If your answer is "no" then also answer why. You will find the correct answers at the end of the quiz.

The Questions

  1. Is it appropriate to wear a subtly patterned navy suit, blue-and-white striped shirt, and a burgundy and white medium-sized-dot tie for a meeting at which you will be making a presentation?   Yes__  No__  Why?_____________________

  2. Is it appropriate to wear a navy-gray, one-sixth-inch pin-striped suit; white shirt; gray and teal one-inch striped tie; and black lace-up shoes for a staff meeting?    Yes__  No__  Why?__________________

  3. Is it appropriate to wear a solid navy suit, French blue shirt, red braces, and a blue-and- red foulard tie with matching pocket square for a meeting with a client?      Yes__  No__  Why?___________________

  4. Is it appropriate to wear a black suit, white-and-gray-striped shirt, and a purple tie with a white-and-black pattern for a meeting at which you need to look powerful?    Yes__  No__  Why? ________________

  5. If you work at a company where business casual is the norm, is it appropriate to wear khaki pants with a blue-and-white-striped long-sleeved shirt and brown loafers?  Yes__  No__  Why?__________________

  6. If you work at a company where business casual is the norm, is it appropriate to wear an olive tweed sport coat with beige pants, a striped white-and-olive button-down shirt with a medallion tie, and brown slip-on shoes for a regular workday  Yes__  No__  Why?_______________

  7. Is it appropriate to wear a brown tweed suit; white oxford shirt; woven, yellow pin-dot tie with a clip; and cordovan slip-on shoes for a regular workday?   Yes__ No__  Why?________________

  8. Is it appropriate to wear a gray flannel suit, a white button-down short-sleeved shirt, geometric tie, and loafer shoes with buckles for an ordinary day at work?    Yes__  No__  Why?_________________

The Answers

  1. Yes. The combination is correct, and it is advisable to wear a tie with some tone of red when you make presentations, since it attracts attention to your face.

  2. Yes. When combining two stripes�tie and suit�the width of the stripes should be different. Black lace-up shoes are appropriate for this formal outfit.

  3. No. The combination of suit, shirt, tie, and braces is correct. No matching pocket square. A solid blue or red pocket square will make the outfit work.

  4. No. A black suit is not appropriate for daytime. If you need to look powerful, select a dark navy or gray suit. Black is only for evening wear.

  5. Yes. Khakis and long-sleeved shirts are a smart choice for business casual. The shoes complement the outfit.

  6. Yes. This is an appropriate, classic business look. The fabrics and colors are compatible.

  7. No. A pin-dot tie is too dressy for a tweed suit. Changing it for a wool or paisley tie will make the outfit work better. Besides, no clip on the tie; clips ruin your ties and are outdated.

  8. No. No short sleeves with suits, and shoes with buckles are too casual for a suit. They work better with a sport coat or a blazer.


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